We know that those Back-to-School Sales start earlier and earlier each year, so we wanted to let you know that supply lists have been posted on our website! While teacher assignments won't be shared until mid August, many of our grade levels have the same supply lists or common requests that will allow you to fill up those shopping carts as the sales come up! https://www.sau83.org/page/school-supply-lists
about 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Good afternoon,  Please find this year's final News from the Nest by following this link.  Please note that this issue contains quite a bit of information regarding next school year.       https://www.smore.com/p40qc I will send periodic News from the Nests throughout the summer months. Thank you for a wonderful school year, we wish you a summer break filled with fun and family time!
about 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
During the month of June, learners in TGV have been studying westward expansion and journeying across the Oregon Trail. This week Oregon Trail days were held where learners dressed the part, participated in pioneer activities and games, and even had a visit from oxen from Sanborn Mills Farm.
about 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Oregon trail
Oregon trail
Oregon trail
Oregon trail
Oregon trail
At Tuesday evening's School Board meeting we had the immense pleasure of honoring Mrs. Coyle and Mrs. Emerson, both of whom are retiring this year. Ms. Ouellette was also honored with a Senate and House Resolution for being an Ellis School Teacher of Excellence!
about 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Due to a mechanical issue Bus 5 is running approximately 15 minutes late. Thank you for your understanding.
about 1 year ago, SAU 83
Thank you to Mr. Vallone from the Epping Grange for the generous donation of dictionaries to our third graders. We appreciate you taking the time to teach them how to use them and giving them time to look up different words! They loved it!
about 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Please take a moment to read this week's News from the Nest https://www.smore.com/1wyf3
about 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Yesterday afternoon, our eighth graders shared out about their experience in Washington DC. Their focus on one monument provided a deep dive into history while also tying in their personal experience from the trip. Thank you to the family, friends and students who came to support them.
about 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
It is with great pride, admiration and love that we present the Class of 2023! Thank you for coming back to visit today, it fills our hearts with joy to see you meet this milestone!
about 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
class of 23
Today, second grade and the Care Squad didn't let a little bit of rain interfere with their adventure to Squam Lake Science Center! They learned all about habitats, saw a variety of animals and wait until they tell you about the amazing playgrounds! Thank you Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Grande, Mrs. Dobson and Mrs. Scott for planning such a fun learning opportunity!
about 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
squam lake
squam lake
squam lake
squam lake
Do we have some GREAT NEWS to share with you! Yesterday three OUTSTANDING athletes attended the 2023 New Hampshire Middle School Track & Field Meet of Champions! Congratulations to Cooper for placing 21st in the long jump and 8th in the discus! Congratulations to Amanda for placing 12th in the shot put! Congratulations to Makenna for placing 14th in the shot put! Ellis School is proud of your hard work and dedication!
about 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Please take a moment to read this week's News from the Nest https://www.smore.com/15yje
about 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Field Day is the most joyful day of the school year! How lucky our learners are to have a PTA, a community of parents and guardians and a staff who facilitates a day built on fun and connection. Thank you to all!
about 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
4th grade
2nd grade
rock wall
ice cream truck
ice cream truck
The Ellis track team placed 2nd in the small school division of the Seacoast League Championship! Congratulations to the following athletes who placed in the top 6 of one or more events at the championship: Robert, Cooper, Cooper, Ryan, Amanda, Makenna, and Molly!
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
track team
Please take a moment to read this week's News from the Nest https://www.smore.com/rhkf0
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Bravo to our Readers Theater actors! Today's performance was delightful!
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Did you know that tomorrow is National Poppy Day. This morning, our Big and Little Eagles walked to the Fremont Village Cemetery to place poppy painted rocks on the gravestones of our local veterans. Thank you to Mrs Simard for coordinating such a thoughtful remembrance.
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
bigs and littles
There was another tradition that happened today, but this time for our staff! It was Bring Your Child To Work Day! The best part? Getting to brag to them about how amazing their parent is and how lucky we are to have them in our school!
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
willow and Paul
An outstanding display of learning by our third graders in Mrs. Gobeil and Mrs. Whitesell's classrooms. The annual wax museum is another favorite tradition at Ellis School!
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
king tur
Neil Armstrong
Milton Bradley
Good afternoon, our Eagles are just coming out of a clear hallways due to an individual with a medical emergency. Thank you, Mrs. Halliday
over 1 year ago, SAU 83