This morning, our community gathered to honor the upcoming Memorial Day holiday. Former Ellis Eagle, James Thompson led The Pledge of Allegiance, third and fourth graders sang patriotic songs and a group of sixth graders recited In Flanders Field. Thank you to our counseling team for facilitating a meaningful ceremony.
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
third grade
fourth grade
More than 20 years ago, the staff at Ellis School established the Jeans for Teens Scholarship Fund as a way to raise money for the children of Fremont who were headed off to college. Over $20,000 has been distributed! Donations are collected for the fund in exchange for wearing jeans on Fridays. While a dress down day is something the staff looks forward to, the biggest reward is knowing that the donations are going to such deserving students as those receiving our awards this year. These students have consistently shown a dedication to excellence in the pursuit of higher education and meeting the everyday challenges facing young people today. This year’s recipients are: James Thompson , who will be pursuing a degree in Education, and Kyle Brown, who plans on studying Astronomy/Astrophysics. The staff was able to raise additional funds this year and is pleased to award two bonus scholarships for Emma Soares who will be studying Human Development and Family Studies and Erica Smith who plans on studying Biomedical Engineering or Chemistry. Their intended colleges are gaining four very competent and motivated students! All of these students have shown great dedication to their studies and community and have an obvious goal in life that they will no doubt obtain. Congratulations and best wishes to you as well as all the graduates of the class of 2023!
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Spring assessments are here! Mrs. Whitesell, Ms. Georato, 7th and 8th Grades test this week! Please take a moment to read this week's News from the Nest
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Good morning. Our Eagles are just coming out of a clear hallways due to a medical emergency. Thank you, Ms Connelly
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
We are just beginning some of our favorite end of year traditions! Kindergarten has started their ABC countdown and last week,Team Good Vibes students presented their animal research projects.
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Our seventh grade scientists partnered with New Hampshire Fish and Game today to release the trout that they have been raising into the Exeter River. While at the river, students had the opportunity to cast flyrods, collect water sample and conduct three tests that assess the health of the river and collected a range of bugs that they identified and counted. Thank you to Mr. Asbell for securing a grant from NHEED that provided an outstanding hands-on opportunity!
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
trout 5
trout 4
trout 3
trout 2
trout 1
It’s that time of the year again. Field day is coming up fast. We need your help with donations to make it an unforgettable day. Below is the sign up genius link. Thank you so much for supporting the Fremont PTA, Ellis School and our children!
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Check out our employment opportunities!
over 1 year ago, SAU 83
grade 4
grade 5/6
This weekend, Ellis was represented in the NHMEA Middle School Honors festival by four students! Jillian, Eloise, Maggie and Amelia who had an amazing and educational experience. Congratulations girls! We are so proud of your hard-work and perseverance!
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
If only every Friday included the most gorgeous cupcakes from Agape Bakery courtesy of the Fremont PTA! Thank you for spoiling us!
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
This past vacation with the help of her amazing husband and the knowledge of a music teacher friend, Mrs. Bolduc built a Maypole for her classroom! She is teaching the students about this part of May Day, the first day of summer celebration (which used to be held on May 1st) in Europe. She is using her knowledge of Folk Dancing to try something new this year! Several classes have been having a wonderful time learning how to make the ribbons weave together and how to hold the ribbons safely as well as move in various circles around the pole safely! Next, they will work on speeding up the process with music!
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Spring assessments are here! Team Good Vibes and Mrs Gobeil test this week! Did you know that repeated practice helps students to master fact fluency? Five minutes of fact fluency practice at home everyday is all we are asking for. If your child is in: Kindergarten - 2nd grade: Please practice addition and subtraction facts. 3rd-6th grade: Please practice multiplication and division facts. Even our 7th and 8th graders would benefit from repeated practice of these skills. Please take a moment to read this week's News from the Nest
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
If you are out and about for the town-wide yard sales, stop by Ellis school! From 11:00-1:00 our outstanding support staff are hosting a Bicycle Recycle event in the gym! Drop Swap or Shop gently used bikes, scooters and safety gear!
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Teacher Appreciation Week is always a memorable week at Ellis School simply because we have the PTA around!
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Appreciation Week
Rain did not make fifth grade's trip to Fisher Cat Stadium any less fun! STEAM day was filled with learning about robotics, animals, golf courses and more! Thanks to the fifth grade team for coordinating such a great day!
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
fisher cats 3
fisher cats 2
fisher cats 1
Parent involvement is critical in reducing or preventing adolescent participation in high risk behaviors. But how do parents influence their children positively during adolescence – a time of increased independence and time spent with peers? Join SoRock for a free workshop. Registration Required
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
sorock flier
Spring assessments will be here before we know and our learners are working VERY HARD on mastering their math facts! Did you know that repeated practice helps students to master fact fluency? Five minutes of fact fluency practice at home everyday is all we are asking for. If your child is in: Kindergarten - 2nd grade: Please practice addition and subtraction facts. 3rd-6th grade: Please practice multiplication and division facts. Even our 7th and 8th graders would benefit from repeated practice of these skills. Please take a moment to read this week's News from the Nest
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Good morning, This morning, our partners from the Fremont Police and Fire Departments will be at Ellis School to complete necessary trainings. We are alerting the community because there will be several emergency vehicles on campus. Thank you, Brigid Connelly Principal
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Throughout this week our 7th and 8th Graders participated in a Spirit Week that was coordinated by our student senators under the guidance of Ms. DeFeo and Mrs. Almon. Advisories partnered up to participate in an Earth Day door decorating contest, a scavenger hunt, a game of knockout and other great activities. Today, they celebrated with a field day that included breakfast, a kickball tournament, trivia, and some time to chill and play games. Best of all they collected more than 500 food items for donation! This group of kiddos missed out many traditions throughout the pandemic and we are so grateful for adults who recognize that loss and work so hard to create new memorable traditions!
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
door decoratin
It's baby chick season in Mrs Clark's classroom!
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly