We are happy to share that MySchoolBucks is back to running as it is expected to! Thanks to Mrs. Humes and Ms. Smith for their work to get it back on track!
12 months ago, Brigid Connelly
3rd - 5th grade families! We don't want to miss out on the wonderful opportunity to bring Girls on the Run - New Hampshire to the Fremont Community! We are a few girls short to run the program, but you can sign up until September 17th. Please keep in mind that GOTR provides a sliding scale to cover the cost of registration and Ellis School has funds available should you need additional financial support. (feel free to reach out to Ms. Connelly at bconnelly@sau83.org)
12 months ago, Brigid Connelly
Please take a moment to read this week's News from the Nest: https://www.smore.com/kqa28
12 months ago, Brigid Connelly
The Ellis School Store is OPEN for business! Now is your chance to order gifts for the holidays! https://ellisschool.itemorder.com/shop/sale/
about 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
We are so happy to report that our first through eighth grade students are happily nestled into their classrooms getting to know one another and learning about their new teachers! Thank you for your patience this morning as we tackled a mechanical issue with Bus #5 and a couple of first-day-of-school delays. I want to take a moment and acknowledge and thank Ashley and the entire team at Durham Bus Company. As you may notice, Ellis School and the Fremont District is incredibly lucky to not be impacted by the bus driver shortage that is occurring across the state and around the country. We have an incredible partnership and value the work of our drivers day in and day out. Thanks to each one of them for getting our students to and from Ellis safely!!
about 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
first day
Good afternoon, Let's try this for real, this time! Sorry about the false start last night! Happy night-before-the-first-day-of-school for our first - eighth graders! We can't wait to see you tomorrow morning! A few important reminders: Please have your child at their designated bus stop at least 5 minutes ahead of the listed pickup time. The first two weeks of school our drivers are solidifying routes and having your child there a bit early ensures that no one misses the bus on those very important first days! All first through eighth grade students that are being dropped off, will come through the front entrance. Please form two car lines and keep your children in your car until you see a staff member wave, indicating that your child can hop out and wait for the bell. The tardy bell rings at 8:30. If you arrive after 8:30, please park, walk your child in through the main entrance and sign him/her in. The dismissal bell will ring at 3:05. Please do not arrive on campus for dismissal before 2:50. Students and staff are still using our playgrounds, fields and outdoor classrooms up until this point and we do not want to put their safety at risk. Please take a moment to read this week's News from the Nest: https://www.smore.com/dn9uv
about 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
It is with great pride that we introduce you to our 2023-2024 Ellis Educators! We can't wait to see you on Monday morning!
about 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Ellis educators
Today we officially kicked off the 2023-24 school year by welcoming our staff back to the nest! Thank you to the Fremont School Board for providing us with a delicious breakfast and to Sarah Sherman for helping us to kick off the year with healthy boundaries and strong supports. Welcome back, team, it's going to be our best year yet!
about 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Good afternoon, Please take a moment to read this week's News from the Nest. https://www.smore.com/g15an
about 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Grown Ups! As you are starting to prepare for the upcoming school year, please be sure to register for PickUpPatrol. PickUpPatrol is how we know where and how your child is going home each day and ensures a safe and smooth dismissal process at Ellis School. For our new families, a registration email went out this morning. For our returning families, please login to your PickUpPatrol account and update your default plan. Thank you for your help making our first days of school safe and successful! https://www.pickuppatrol.net/
about 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Dear Fremont Community, Please click http://bit.ly/3P1BmPs to view an update from the SAU 83 School Board regarding the ongoing Future High School Search. Sincerely, SAU 83 School Board
about 1 year ago, SAU 83
Ellis School is hiring! Are you interested in becoming a paraeducator? Substitute teacher? Do you know someone that would be interested in being a short term 7th and 8th grade science teacher from mid-October until the new year? Please check out our website to apply! https://www.sau83.org/o/ellisschool/page/fy24-job-opportunities
about 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Good morning, The Ellis School is closed today while Eversource and Monarch Electric are on campus doing repair work. The building will reopen tomorrow morning at 9:00am. Have a great day!
about 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
We are thrilled to bring Girls on the Run to Ellis School this year and registration is OPEN! Please sign up here: https://www.girlsontherunnh.org/3rd-5th-grade-program-details Girls on the Run has fun, evidence-based programs that inspire all girls to build their confidence, kindness and decision making skills. Dynamic lessons instill valuable life skills including the important connection between physical and emotional health. Should you have any questions, please contact coaches, Amy Phillips (aphillips@sau83.org) and Lauren DeFeo (ldefeo@sau83.org). We want to ensure that GOTR is accessible to all. In addition to the agency's sliding scale, please email Brigid Connelly (bconnelly@sau83.org) if you need further financial assistance.
about 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Good afternoon, Welcome to the 2023-24 school year! Below is our first News from the Nest of the school year. For new families joining our school community, the News from the Nest is a weekly communication that arrives in your inbox each Sunday at 5:00pm and is a must read. It includes important information that you need to know! This issue is packed full of vital info to help you have a successful kick off to the school year! https://www.smore.com/g15an
about 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
YOU DID IT! TEN THOUSAND MINUTES!! And in just six days!! What an outstanding accomplishment Eagles!
about 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Have you signed up for our August Reading Challenge yet?!?! We want to see how MANY MINUTES the students and staff at Ellis School can READ before the first day of school! Ask your grown up to sign you up at ReaderZone.com or download the ReaderZone app in the App store. Use the code 4c6f5 to find our program, search for your grade level and start logging those minutes!
about 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Happy August Eagles! Are you ready for an epic READING challenge?! We want to see how MANY MINUTES Ellis School can READ before the first day of school! Ask your grown up to sign you up at ReaderZone.com or download the ReaderZone app in the App store. Use the code 4c6f5 to find our program, search for your grade level and start logging those minutes!
about 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
reading challenge
Students that are participating in our summer enrichment programs are engaging in so many exciting activities! Building roller coasters, maintaining our gardens, greenhouse and aquaponics and so much more.
about 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
readers theatre
Join our outstanding team!
about 1 year ago, SAU 83