This afternoon, candidates for middle school student council presented their campaign speeches to their classmates! Good luck to everyone that is running!
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
speech 1
speech 2
Tonight: 7:00pm! Please join us in the Ellis School Library for an important presentation by SoRock. You will have an opportunity to learn about SoRock, share your perspective on community strengths and barriers, learn more and see how they can assist and/or partner with you to promote wellness and reduce substance misuse in our community!
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
At yesterday’s faculty meeting Mrs Blades passed the Golden Apple onto Mrs Nichols. In her speech, she captured Mrs Nichols perfectly, “Always has a smile on her face, always putting others first. I have seen her pour our love, compassion and concern on students and staff members when the need it” Congratulations Mrs Nichols, we are grateful for all the you do.
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Theresa and Doris
Here are this week's Words of the Week: Line Plot: a graph that displays data as points or check marks above a number line, showing the frequency of each value. Revise: to look over again in order to correct or improve. Please take a moment to read this week's News from the Nest
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Good afternoon 8th grade families, Sanborn Regional High School will be hosting an incoming 9th grade parent information night on Monday, January 9th, from 6:00pm-7:00pm. The event will begin in the auditorium and students are welcome to attend. Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Director of Counseling, Heidi Leavitt at or Assistant Principal, Nichole O'Brien at Warmly, Brigid Connelly Principal
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Here are this week's Words of the Week: Acute Angle: Acute angles measure less than 90 degrees. Affix: an additional element placed at the beginning or end of a root, stem, or word, or in the body of a word, to modify its meaning. Please take a moment to read this week's News from the Nest
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
The holly jolly cart delivered hot chocolate to all of our amazing educators! We wish them a relaxing and healthy holiday break and can’t wait to see them in 2023!
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
sue and Olivia
Waffle Wednesday for our wonderful staff!
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Today we had a blast making staff spirits bright! Ugly Sweaters, Elf Hunts, Chinese Food at our holiday party and everyone laughing all the way!
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Debbie and Kelli
Chinese food
Is there any better Ellis School tradition than the kindergarten winter concert? Even our 8th graders remember when they sang Mrs. Schreiber’s Christmas Tree song!
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
kinder concert
Here are this week's Words of the Week: Pattern: a form or model proposed for imitation Punctuation: the act or practice of inserting standardized marks or signs in written matter to clarify the meaning and separate structural unitsHere are this week's words: Protractor: an instrument for measuring angles, typically in the form of a flat semicircle marked with degrees along the curved edge. Point of View: the position from which something or someone is observed. Please take a moment to read this week's News from the Nest
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Wow! At today’s Community Meeting we presented all of the toys that Fremont collected for Toys for Tots! Thank you to all who donated, our 7th graders for facilitating the drive at Ellis, Sgt. Buckley from the Fremont Police Department and Mr and Mrs Doloff! We love giving back to our community!
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
toys for tots
This afternoon, our staff attended Signs of Suicide Training hosted by Sarah from Connor's Climb. The mission of Connor’s Climb Foundation is to provide suicide prevention education by raising awareness, reducing stigma, and equipping youth, educators, and the community at large with tools and resources focused on the vulnerable age group of 10-24 year-olds, to New Hampshire and bordering communities.
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Looking for something fun to do during tomorrow afternoon's early release? Head over to the Fremont Public Library for fun and games. From 1:00 - 3:00 PM Mrs. Rowell and Mr. Abney will have board games, puzzles and legos available!
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Bravo to our learners for a festive and fun Winter Concert last evening! Thank you to Mrs Buldoc for creating so much magic!
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
Here are this week's Words of the Week: Rhombus: a parallelogram with opposite equal acute angles, opposite equal obtuse angles, and four equal sides. Revise: re-examine and make alterations to (written or printed matter).Please take a moment to read this week's News from the Nest
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
More AMAZING recognition for our Ellis educators! We are so proud to share that Ms. Hallie Ouellette has been named one of Curriculum Associates Extraordinary Educators 2023 class, a program that honors and celebrates teachers! Congratulations Ms. Ouellette, we can't think of a more deserving educator!
almost 2 years ago, Brigid Connelly
Extraordinary Educator
Good morning, The 7th Grade will be hosting our December Community Meeting. For our Community Service project, we are supporting the Toys For Tots Foundation in their mission to make sure that every kid has a toy in times of need. If you are able to donate a new, unwrapped toy, we will have a collection bin in the front lobby. We will be accepting donations from Dec 1st to Dec 15th. Thank you for your support! Veronica Straw and the 7th grade
over 1 year ago, Brigid Connelly
toys for tots
This morning Mrs Scott and Mrs Dobson in collaboration with Ms Wesnak presented at the 2022 Christa McAuliffe Transforming, Teaching, and Technology Conference. We take such pride in our educators at Ellis School and are thrilled when they share their brilliance with other educators across the state.
almost 2 years ago, Brigid Connelly
Abby and Jen
Abby, Jen and Lauren
We are delighted to introduce you to Mr. Stanley, our new Technology Teacher! Mr. Stanley recently moved back to the area after almost a decade teaching in Los Angeles, California. As a technology educator, Mr. Stanley has developed curricula around 2d and 3d animation, video editing, digital photography, and video game programming. His previous assistant principal shared that Mr. Stanley developed strong relationships with all of his students and that learners with interests in online gaming, robotics, computer science, etc. found a welcoming home within his classroom. Welcome Mr. Stanley, we are so happy to have you join our community!
almost 2 years ago, Brigid Connelly
Joe Stanley