Please take a moment to read this week's News from the Nest.
8 months ago, Brigid Connelly
Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving from these adorable Ellis turkeys.
8 months ago, Brigid Connelly
kindergarten turkeys
Good afternoon, Please take a moment to read this week's News from the Nest.
8 months ago, Brigid Connelly
Yesterday's cold rain didn't hamper the sense of joy, accomplishment and confidence our Girls on the Run Team felt after completing their first 5K at their Fall Celebration!
8 months ago, Brigid Connelly
Now that the Primary date has been set in New Hampshire, we have updated our calendar to reflect the change. January 23, 2024 will be a professional day - no student day and February 13, 2024 will now be a regular student day. The calendar is available on our website:
8 months ago, SAU 83
We want to extend our sincere gratitude to the Children's Community Fund for their generous financial donation and the Exeter Fire Department for their donation of several warm winter coats. We are also incredibly grateful to Mrs. Schipano, Mrs. Simard and Ms. Almon for organizing, shopping and outfitting several students in all of the necessary clothing and footwear to keep warm this winter!
8 months ago, Brigid Connelly
Good afternoon, Our Eagles just completed a brief clear hallways due to an individual with a medical emergency. Once again, learners did an excellent job following expectations and learning continued in classrooms while the individual was attended to. Thank you, Ms. Connelly
9 months ago, Brigid Connelly
Please take a moment to read this week's News from the Nest
9 months ago, Brigid Connelly
Earlier this week, our Girls on the Run Team paused their training to make cards for our Fremont Veterans that will be shared at this evening's gathering at Town Hall.
9 months ago, Brigid Connelly
Good afternoon, Our Eagles just completed a clear hallways and reverse evacuation due to an individual with a medical emergency. Learners did an excellent job following expectations and learning continued in classrooms while the individual was attended to. Thank you, Ms. Connelly
9 months ago, Brigid Connelly
Thank you to all of our learners that donated their Halloween candy this year! Congratulations to Mrs. Dobson’s homeroom for donating 14 lbs of candy and to Mr. Asbell and Mr. Fernandes' Advisories who collected 14.2 lbs and to 7th grader, Dylan who donated 9lbs-more than any other student!!
9 months ago, Brigid Connelly
Please take a moment to read this week's News from the Nest.
9 months ago, Brigid Connelly
Congratulations to October Learners of the Month! These learners were chosen because they demonstrate PERSERVERANCE! 8th Grade: Jaiden 7th Grade: Alyvia 6th Grade: Wyatt 5th Grade: Payton 4th Grade: Travis 3rd Grade: Josiah 2nd Grade: Mila Kindergarten: Maeve UA Elementary: Matthew UA Middle: Maggie
9 months ago, Brigid Connelly
We love the joy that our annual Halloween Parade at Poplin Nursing Home brings to both generations. It's an event that our trick or treaters look forward to every year and the residents and staff prepare for with care, thoughtfulness and fun! We're so lucky to share in each other's company.
9 months ago, Brigid Connelly
Don't get stuck with unwanted Halloween Candy! Ellis School's annual Halloween Giveback begins tomorrow and we are trying to beat last year's record of 400lbs!!
9 months ago, Brigid Connelly
Candy Giveback
Coach Booth, Coach Wall and Coach DeBlois had the opportunity to highlight our fall athletes at yesterday's Community Meeting. Our young volleyball team had a great season as they learned about the game and united as a team! And our soccer team was recognized not only for their undefeated season but also for the commitment, teamwork, perseverance, and effort that allows a team to attain such an incredible achievement! Well done athletes!
9 months ago, Brigid Connelly
sports awards
sports awards
sports awards
sports awards
Thank you to Team Good Vibes for hosting our October Community Meeting this morning! Today our Ellis Eagles got to be PAJAMPIONS to help kick off a building-wide service project. For the month of November, learners in TGV are collecting PAJAMAS to donate to our neighbors in need. Donations of new pajamas can be dropped off in the large bin in the front lobby.
9 months ago, Brigid Connelly
pajama drive
Last week Mrs. Bolduc and Mrs. Kimball travelled to UNH to share their hands-on, engaging presentation about their cross curricular collaboration through the program Drums Alive with their Collegiate NHMEA students! We are so proud to have a Unified Arts team that sets the standard for collaboration and student engagement!
9 months ago, Brigid Connelly
Please take a moment to read this week's News from the Nest. Don't forget that tomorrow is pajama day!
9 months ago, Brigid Connelly
Please take a moment to read this week's News from the Nest
9 months ago, Brigid Connelly